The dream of studying arts within reach, following the bomb attacks in 1961 in South Tyrol, introverted Paul suddenly faces the duty of supporting the young family of his older brother Anton, a fugitive terrorist.
Anna, Anton’s wife, initially supports her husband but becomes increasingly disillusioned in the face of the erupting chaos. Meanwhile, Paul is blackmailed by the Italian police to sell out his brother.
Anton becomes further radicalised, and Paul and Anna increasingly distance themselves from him as they speak out together against the violence. Paul has to decide between his affection for Anna, his loyalty to his brother and his dream of the arts.
When Anton commits a deadly attack, Paul stands up to him and saves the life of an Italian policeman. But the spiral of violence keeps on turning. In the aftermath, Anna leaves the farm and moves with the kids to the city, where she starts a new life. Paul stays on the farm, determined to speak out against violence in the future.


For the past five years, Sarah Braun has been slowly dying of MND. A prisoner in her own body, all the young woman has now is her imagination, which she uses to look back on her life with humour.

She jumps between memories of childhood, disease diagnosis, losing the love of her life, and the pure bliss of being in the mountains. Sarah has no interest in hospital dramas, pity or awkward silences. She’s looking for adventure, and so a 3-day hike in the Dolomites mirrors the arc of her life story. Speaking OFF, she shares often highly entertaining thoughts, and uses humour and imagination to tweak the storyline. The longer the hike goes on, the more intensely we wish that her life could have taken a different course. The film shows Sarah’s fight for every second of life. A fight she wins – even though, by then, Ms Braun has died.


Amelie ist 13, eine waschechte Großstadtgöre und womöglich das sturste Mädchen in ganz Berlin. Amelie lässt sich von niemanden etwas sagen, schon gar nicht von ihren Eltern, die sie nach einem lebensbedrohlichen Asthmaanfall in eine spezielle Klinik nach Südtirol verfrachten. Genau das, was Amelie nicht will. Anstatt sich helfen zu lassen, reißt sie aus. Sie flüchtet dorthin, wo sie garantiert niemand vermutet: Bergauf. Mitten in den Alpen trifft sie auf einen geheimnisvollen 15-Jährigen mit dem sonderbaren Namen Bart. Als der ungebetene Begleiter ihr das Leben rettet, stellt Amelie fest, dass Bart viel interessanter ist, als anfangs gedacht. Gemeinsam begeben sich die beiden auf eine abenteuerliche Reise, bei der es um hoffnungsvolle Wunder und echte Freundschaft geht.


Are unspoken memories what shapes us into who we really are? Perseverance is a mosaic narrative on events that have left a lasting mark on the lives of the protagonists. Each story is a reflection of thoughts, goals, fears and desires of its protagonist, seeking to articulate them through internal monologues, laconic self-questioning, through memories and confessions. A collage of various intimate stories aims to speak of the phenomenon of man. This is why characters in the film don’t share the same space or time, do not know each other and never will.


Two happy families, a quiet beach and a house in the hills above the Adriatic Sea. It could be so perfect. But when teenager Finn has a breakdown, it brings turmoil not only to the family’s friendship but also to the relationship between his parents Helena and Adam. Eight days in August that change everything.